Condominium reserve studies from small four unit complexes to large multi building communities. Our comprehensive studies provide Property Managers, Boards and Community Members catered studies for the long term funding goals.
Community Homeowner Associations and townhouse HOA reserve studies. Our studies are affordable and beneficial to communities which common areas like retention ponds, parks, roads, fencing, landscaping, etc.
We provide capital replacement reserve studies to non-profit organizations such as museums and youth organizations. Special consideration is given to the high volume of traffic these buildings will typically see as well as retaining the aesthetic appeal.
Country clubs with recreation facilities such as golf courses, swimming facilities, and skiing facilities require a well structures site inspection to adequately inventory and categorize the various components through the facility and grounds. Special consideration is given to aging pond liners and refurbishment of the landscaping.
Marinas are unique and require special consideration to waterway expenditure’s such as dredging & seawall replacement as well as phased components in the replacement reserve study. Phasing expenses in the long term financial strategy developed by the reserve analyst allows a marina to continue operations while remaining on top of needed ongoing repair and replacement projects.
Replacement plans for schools, daycares and adult care facilities require an extremely detailed and exhaustive site inspection with special consideration given to the high volume of traffic the materials in the buildings will see. Special consideration is given in the financial analysis for the timing of expenditures and large scale projects.
Commercial replacement studies are often completed for business owners / investors interested in retaining the aesthetic appeal of the building and seeking a long term funding plan to do so. Many business plans leave out the long term costs associated with large scale building projects which are infrequent but extremely costly.
Homeowner Associations that are responsible for the maintenance and repair/replacement of a community water system typically have very high expenses related to this equipment. Adequate budgeting for water systems is extremely important to keep the community on sound financial footing and keep marketability high in the community.
High-rise buildings have many integrated systems and mechanical equipment that require significant budgeting forethought. Hiring an expert to conduct the reserve study in your high-rise building is an excellent way to ensure the systems are accurately listed in the component list and included in the funding models developed.