For larger communities with numerous building designs and phased projects like roofing or painting building plans can be an extremely useful tool to a reserve analyst. The final reserve study will be more accurate and the Client will save money in the process as the site inspection time is usually significantly reduced. Some helpful tips with regards to building plans:
- When ordering a proposal let the reserve study companies know that building plans are available for review. This can help to minimize the bid amount as the reserve study company will take into consideration the time saving aspects of reviewing these documents for measurements and quantity rather than taking extensive measurements during the site inspection.
- Obtain as many building plan schedules as possible. Electrical, plumbing, window, mechanical, elevation are all examples of different building plan schedules that are very valuable to a reserve analyst. These will provide the location and list of components that may not be visible as is common with plumbing, electrical and HVAC equipment.
- Take a digital picture of the building plans and store them on a digital storage device or on a cloud account. Nowadays even a mobile phone picture will typically provide clear pictures that can be utilized by the reserve analyst as well as future vendors making bids.
- Lastly let the Board know of your time and money saving idea! Often a minimal amount of effort can be expended in tracking down building plans (Board Members, an Office in the Building, County Records) and the cost savings to the Board will impress them.